Evaluation of liquefaction hazard is an engineering art requiring judgment and experience in addition to testing and analysis. Important advances have been made during the past few decades in developing tools to help assess the potential of liquefaction, but some Aspect of the problem remain uncertain. A wide variety of methods from well respected researchers and practitioners have been implemented in NovoLiq to carry out the the liquefaction analysis. This state-of-the-art software program is also fully integrated with gINT suite of products. NovoLiq has been designed to cover all world-wide known liquefaction analysis methods. As part of our policy for respecting our customers, NovoLiq gives you options for choosing analysis methods among all available recommended formulae (please see analysis methods for Details)
In addition, user has the options to choose the favourite method for calculating the following parameters:
Unlimited soil layers
Cyclic Resistance Ratio (9 methods)
Probability of liquefaction (Youd and Noble)
Depth (overburden) correction Factor (9 options)
All other SPT/BPT/Vs corrections (>6 options)
Direct conversion of Becker Density Test to SPT (2 methods, including friction effect)
Magnitude Scaling Factor (8 options)
Fines content correction (2 options)
Depth Reduction Factor Rd (3 options)
Relative Density (5 options)
Select if a soil Layer participates in liquefaction or not